Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of TracSyntaxColoring

09/30/06 00:07:07 (18 years ago)



  • TracSyntaxColoring

    v1 v1  
     1= Syntax Coloring of Source Code =
     2Trac supports language-specific syntax highlighting of source code in [wiki:WikiFormatting wiki formatted] text and the [wiki:TracBrowser repository browser].
     4To do this, Trac uses external libraries with support for a great number of programming languages.
     6Currently Trac supports syntax coloring using one or more of the following packages:
     8 * [ GNU Enscript]
     9 * [ SilverCity]
     11To activate syntax coloring, simply install either one (or more) of these packages. No additional configuration is required, however to modify the colors, have a look at `trac/htdocs/css/code.css`.
     13When in use, Trac will automatically prioritize !SilverCity highlighting over Enscript if possible, (see note below).
     15If neither package is available, Trac will display the data as plain text.
     17'''Note:''' Enscript supports a greater number of languages, however !SilverCity is generally faster since it is a library and isn't executed in an external process.
     19=== About SilverCity ===
     20!SilverCity uses the lexer from [ Scintilla]. Scintilla supports more languages than !SilverCity implements. If you want to add a language to !SilverCity supported by Scintilla, it's not very difficult. See [ SilverCityAddLanguage] for some information how.
     23== Syntax Coloring Support ==
     25|| || !SilverCity || Enscript ||
     26|| Ada      ||   || X ||
     27|| Asm      ||   || X ||
     28|| * ASP    || X || X ||
     29|| * C      || X || X ||
     30|| * C++    || X || X ||
     31|| * Java   ||   || X ||
     32|| Awk      ||   || X ||
     33|| CSS      || X ||   ||
     34|| Diff     ||   || X ||
     35|| Eiffel   ||   || X ||
     36|| Elisp    ||   || X ||
     37|| Fortran  ||   || X ||
     38|| Haskell  ||   || X ||
     39|| HTML     || X || X ||
     40|| IDL      ||   || X ||
     41|| Javascript || X || X ||
     43|| m4       ||   || X ||
     44|| Makefile ||   || X ||
     45|| Matlab   ||   || X ||
     46|| Objective-C|| || X ||
     47|| Pascal   ||   || X ||
     48|| * Perl   || X || X ||
     49|| * PHP    || X || X ||
     50|| PSP      || X ||   ||
     51|| Pyrex    ||   || X ||
     52|| * Python || X || X ||
     53|| * Ruby   || X || X (1) ||
     54|| Scheme   ||   || X ||
     55|| Shell    ||   || X ||
     56|| SQL      || X || X ||
     57|| Troff    ||   || X ||
     58|| TCL      ||   || X ||
     59|| Tex      ||   || X ||
     60|| Verilog  ||   || X ||
     61|| VHDL     ||   || X ||
     62|| Visual Basic |||| X ||
     63|| VRML     ||   || X ||
     64|| XML      || X || X ||
     66''(*) Supported as inline code blocks in [wiki:WikiFormatting Wiki text] using WikiProcessors.''
     68''(1) Ruby highlighting is not included in the Enscript distribution.  Highlighting rules for Ruby can be obtained from:
     70== Extra Software ==
     71 * GNU Enscript --
     72 * !SilverCity --
     75See also: WikiProcessors, WikiFormatting, TracWiki, TracBrowser