Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of TermsOfUse

10/31/12 11:23:43 (12 years ago)



  • TermsOfUse

    v9 v10  
    31319)  If the user desires to translate any of the Licensed Materials into a language other than English, then user shall notify The Organization via email at (at  Any such translation is a derivative work, and the user agrees and does hereby assign all right, title and interest in and to such derivative work to The Organization. Further, user shall fully cooperate with The Organization in the filing and reviewing of any copyright applications or other legal documents, and signing any documents (such as declarations, assignments, affidavits, and the like) that are reasonably necessary to the preparation of any such copyright application. The assignment granted by this paragraph extends to all proprietary rights both in the United States, and in all foreign countries.  No other right to create a derivative work of any of the Licensed Materials is hereby granted (except the right to translate into a language other than English granted in this Section 9), and The Organization reserves all other rights not specifically granted herein. All such translations shall be electronically transmitted to The Organization, and such translations shall be made available and are subject to the same license rights and restrictions contained herein. The Organization will give credit on its website to the user and/or entity that did the translation.
    33 10) The Organization welcome requests for new UCUM content (terms, codes or associated material such as text descriptions and synonyms) and suggestions about revisions to existing content within the Licensed Materials.  Such submissions should be done on The Organization's web site
     3310) The Organization welcome requests for new UCUM content (terms, codes or associated material such as text descriptions and synonyms) and suggestions about revisions to existing content within the Licensed Materials.  Such submissions should be done on The Organization's web site
    353511) The names "UCUM Organization" may not be used in a way which could be interpreted as an endorsement or a promotion of any product or service without prior written permission of The Organization. To request written permission, please contact (at