Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of ProcedureDefinedUnits

02/13/09 14:51:20 (16 years ago)



  • ProcedureDefinedUnits

    v1 v1  
     1= Procedure Defined Units =
     3How come 1 meter is a good unit but 1 tuberculine unit is not?
     5How come UCUM has both of these units?
     7How come the equality of 1 Bq and 1 Hz is not a problem, but the
     8equality of 1 tuberculine unit and 1 allergy unit is a problem?
     10How come glucose measured in 1 gram or 1 mol is not a problem?
     12How can we have both allergen unit ![AU] and biological equivalent
     13allergy unit ![BAU] in one system?
     15How come 1 Gray and 1 Sievert both exist in the SI, are they
     18This is the biggest challenge that the UCUM project is currently
     21== Synthetic Analogy ==
     23I think the problem always occurs when we measure one thing by an
     24equivalent of another.
     26  Like if I counted an amount of people by the amount of oxygen they consume in the room.
     28And it gets worse if the measurand and the equivalent quantity are of
     29the same dimension,
     31  Like if I count the number of people by the number of hairs they leave behind.
     33And it is all fine if I have a fixed constant conventional coefficient,
     35  Like: a person loses 10 hairs per hour, so if after 2 hours a room has 10^6 hairs on the floor, there must have been 5*10^4 people in the room.
     37But it gets worse if an expert comes along and says:
     39  Wait, you can't tell how many people are in the room, all you know is how much hair they lost!
     41At this very point you start measuring amount of people by some procedure defined unit:
     43  Like: HEU (hair equivalent unit) the amount of people in a room who lose 10 million hairs in 1 hours.
     45At this point people demand that UCUM has the HEU unit.
     47But the problem is, this definition of HEU is explicitly not directly related to the straight-forward number of people in the room, but it is a new kind of quantity, locked to this idiosyncratic proxy measure.
     49And that now has established its very own dimension also, because in a dimension all units are comparable in fixed conversion formulas (usually proportional, linear, but at least a conventional a-priori defined function.)
     50But not here, because the whole premise was that people rejected the idea of just relating the unit directly to number of people or just reporting number of people directly.
     52Thus all procedure defined units are dimensions unto themselves.
     54And thus our simple 7 component dimension vector stops being a vector of any finite length.
     56What do we do?
     58The present approach was to add a new property "arbitrary unit" into the unit definition.
     59This measure at least prevents units to be falsely taken as equivalent.
     60But this also prevents any kind of conversion, even between 1 HEU and 1 kHEU.
     61This is presently the best we can do, and it is a good idea to limit the ability to form complex terms with arbitrary units.
     62It might not even make sense in some cases (e.g., if the unit is not on a ratio scale how can one even multiply it?)
     64But we need a final solution that deals with this challenge.