Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of FightSpam

02/23/18 04:45:10 (7 years ago)



  • FightSpam

    v2 v3  
    1313Ideally we would hide non-reviewed tickets from the Timeline and the Reports for the public, but Trac does not have that feature.
    15 UPDATE some 4 years later: the level of SPAM has fallen to effectively zero. The most effective method was not to display Timeline and ticket data to users who are not signed in. So, this fight spam project is complete.
     15UPDATE (August 2015) some 4 years later: the level of SPAM has fallen to effectively zero. The most effective method was not to display Timeline and ticket data to users who are not signed in. So, this fight spam project is complete.
     17UPDATE (February 2018) some 3 years later: there is still some spammer activity, although by far not at the same rate as before. It is easy to forget the exact SOP for spam tickets.
     19I now do the following:
     20 1. click on Modify Ticket,
     21 2. close the ticket as "spam"
     22 3. replace the short description line with the tag "[SPAM]"
     23 4. replace the entire text with the tag "[SPAM]"
     25I had some automated process at some point in the past, which listed spammers with an sql query and marked them as spammers and/or removed the user entries from the htdigest file. This may need to be verified and documented. We could potentially record the IP addresses and block them from spammers.
     27I wish I could send those spammers a retaliation bomb the next time they log in.