Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of CharterAndBylaws

11/13/15 18:54:17 (9 years ago)



  • CharterAndBylaws

    v13 v14  
    3838All decisions are made by the Board of Advisors by simple majority.
    40 '''Organizational Decisions''', i.e., decisions which alter the structure or bylaws of the organization or grant roles such as secretaries and editors, must be made with at least the chairman of the Board, one ex-officio member present and two other board members voting (not abstaining) in a real time discussion via telephone or per discussion convened electronically on the web site. All members of the Board of Advisors must be notified with motions to change bylaws or organization submitted in writing on the web site at least 30 days prior to the voting.
     40=== Organizational Decisions ===
     42Organizational Decisions are decisions which alter the structure or bylaws of the organization or grant roles such as secretaries and editors, must be made with at least the chairman of the Board, one ex-officio member present and two other board members voting (not abstaining) in a real time discussion via telephone or per discussion convened electronically on the web site. All members of the Board of Advisors must be notified with motions to change bylaws or organization submitted in writing on the web site at least 30 days prior to the voting.
    4244The process for decisions of the Board is as follows:
    6062  * To pass, the number of "yay"s must be greater than the number of "nay"s.
    62 '''Technical Decisions''' are made on tickets by at least two (2) board members documenting assent to the proposal. When only one board member engages in the adjudication and no other board member weighs in in opposition, the decision of the single member may be implemented. However, decisions by a single member cannot bind the UCUM Organization to implement this decision if the single member so deciding does not himself implement the decision.
     65=== Technical Decisions ===
     67Technical Decisions are made on tickets by at least two (2) board members documenting assent to the proposal. When only one board member engages in the adjudication and no other board member weighs in in opposition, the decision of the single member may be implemented. However, decisions by a single member cannot bind the UCUM Organization to implement this decision if the single member so deciding does not himself implement the decision.
    6469All technical decisions are made on a ticket which may be submitted by any user of the UCUM web site (even non-verified new users). A ticket must be accepted by a board member to be turned into action. Any verified member can comment on tickets by commenting on the ticket. Board members can decide on the ticket status.