Changes between Version 18 and Version 19 of BoardOfAdvisors

08/23/18 19:10:06 (7 years ago)



  • BoardOfAdvisors

    v18 v19  
    1414Dr. Gessner has his Ph.D. in Physics/Chemistry and academic training in Medical Physics and Medical Informatics. For many years, Dr. Gessner held positions in hospitals and with vendors of medical devices and software. Since 2008 he is an expert consultant for medical informatics standards and terminologies, including HL7, LOINC. Dr. Gessner has contributed to UCUM since early 2006. He is a member of the Medical Standards Committee of DIN (the german national standardization body) and a delegate to ISO TC 215. In 2010 he has been appointed by the DIN terminology comittee as a delegate to ISO TC 12, the international authority on units of measures.
     16=== CAPT (ret) William A. Hess ===
     18Captain Hess is a Pharmacist and member and subject matter expert to (1) FDA Product Risk Ranking Team, (2) FDA Data Standards Council, (3) VA National Drug File Reference Terminology Interagency Expert Panel, (4) Federal Healthcare Information Technology Standards Organization Participation Work Group, (5) HITSP Foundations Medical Terminology Work Group, (6) Technical Advisory Group for Structured Product Labeling Indexing Contract, (7) White House Consolidated Health Informatics Medication Domain Expert Work Group, Allergy Domain Expert Work Group, Chemical Domain Expert Work Group, an (8) All five HITSP ARRA Tiger Teams. He is an FDA Liaison to the FDA/NLM Interagency Agreement for the Photography and Image Processing of Prescription Solid Dosage Form Medications, and to the USP Expert Committees on (1) Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms, (2) Nomenclature, Safety, and Labeling, and (3) Therapeutic Information and Formulary Support. He provides vocabulary and database design consultation to FDA scientific reviewers and database engineers. He serves as principal FDA scientific nomenclature representative and subject matter expert to other United States government agencies, to foreign government agencies, and to private agencies. He is responsible for developing, establishing, and implementing Agency nomenclature policy and standards as well as Agency indexing policy and standards. These standards are used worldwide in electronic submissions, electronic labeling, electronic prescribing, and the electronic health record. On the UCUM board of advisers he is the liaison to FDA.
    1620=== Dr. Gunther Schadow (founder, chairman) ===